Selection Center Information

History of Selection Centre East, Allahabad

Selection Centre East, Allahabad was raised in 1957 with a view to recommend suitable candidates based on prism concept viz Psychological Tests, Group Discussions, Ground Tasks and Personal Interview. It has five Services Selection Boards namely 11 SSB, 14 SSB, 18 SSB, 19 SSB and 34 SSB with the aim to select and recommend potential candidates to become Officers in the Indian Army.

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History of Selection Centre Central, Bhopal

Selection Centre Bhopal was established in October 1975 by relocating 20 SSB & 33 SSB which was earlier located at Jabalpur and was raised on 15 Nov 1960 & 01 Jun 1966 respectively. Subsequently 22 SSB which was first raised and located at Meerut in Nov 1962, and subsequently re-raised at Roorkee in Apr 1971 moved to Bhopal in Mar 1976. The Centre functioned with three Boards till 01 Jun 2003 when a new board, 21 SSB was raised.

Selection Centre Central, Bhopal comprises of 20, 21, 22 & 33 (Navy) Services Selection Boards. It is headed by an officer of the rank of Major General who is the Commandant of the Centre as also the President of 22 SSB. The boards are posted with Interviewing Officers, Group Testing Officers, Technical Officers and civilian Psychologists from DIPR who carry out holistic assessment of the candidates. Due to an increase in the number of candidates additional assessors are also posted. 

The Selection Centre Central is located in the area of Sultania Infantry Lines, Bhopal Military Station which is in close proximity to both Bhopal Junction railway station as well as Raja Bhoj Airport. The Centre is housed in the new KLP accommodation and stands out due to the imposing architectural design of the main building. The Selection Centre today boasts of a completely new infrastructure with modern facilities for the conduct of testing, accommodation, dining and recreational facilities for the candidates.

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History of Selection Centre South, Bangalore

Selection Centre South is located on Cubbon Road at Bangalore. Situated in the old British Accommodation it has three boards 12, 17 and 24 SSB. 12 SSB was the first board which was raised on 1st April 1949 for selection of candidates for Army and Navy. 24 SSB was raised in December 1962. 17 SSB was moved from Roorkee in March 1976. The Selection Centre is headed by a Major General who is also the President of 17 SSB.

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History Of Selection Centre North, Kapurthala

Selection Centre North was raised on 01 Jul 2015 in its interim location at Kapurthala. On completion of its raising, the centre was operationalised with the first batch of candidates reporting on 01 Apr 2016. It has two Services Selection Boards namely 31 SSB and 32 SSB with the aim to select and recommend potential candidates to become officers in the Indian Army.

The motto of the centre is "NISHPAKSH, NIHSWARTH, NISSANDEH”.

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The Selection Process

The assessment is based on selected personality traits and qualities designated as officer like qualities (OLQs). These have evolved over a period of time.

Prior to Second World War, Selection of officers was merely by written exams and interview boards. During the war, written tests were dropped and only interview by the then Central Interview Board was carried out.

The Brief History of evolution of the selection process is as follows:--

Year 1943:- Experimental board set up in Dehradun on line of War Office Selection Boards in the UK. This worked alongside the Central Interview Board and administered intelligence, aptitude, personality tests & practical group situation tests

Year 1948:- Ghosh Committee was appointed to check validity of selection system. It recommended continuation with few improvements with introduction of a research organization. This gave birth to the Psychological & Research Wing (PRW). PRW later developed into the present Directorate of Psychological Research (DIPR).

Year 1950:- Officer quality rating scale was developed by the PRW. Opinions obtained from 167 officers, 38 members of selection boards & members of PRW were analysed & pooled into 187 categories, thereafter condensed into 29 qualities

Year 1956:- Based on more studies, OLQ further condensed to 15 qualities. They have now been grouped into four factors depending upon their inter correlation.

The Philosophy of Assessment 

Manasa, vaacha, karmana are three Sanskrit words. The word manasa refers to the mind, vaachaa refers to speech, and karmanaa refers to actions. These three words are together used to describe a state of consistency expected of an individual. Manasa, Vaacha, Karmana is usually invoked to imply that one should strive to achieve the state where one's thoughts, speech and the actions coincide.

It is in accordance with this principle that three different assessors using three different techniques, namely the Psychology (manasa), Interview (vaacha) and GTO (karmana) assess candidates on their qualities. The assessors gauge a candidates present level and thereafter give him a predictive level which he is likely to attain on completion of military training. Those who come up to the required standards based on a rating scale are recommended.

The General Routine

The routine in the Selection Centre is unique in the sense that the SSBs function without any weekend breaks or holidays in between batches. A selection board will typically function for about twenty five days i.e. five batches at a stretch and thereafter have a break for five or six days. This break is termed as the Board break wherein the missed Sundays and holidays are adjusted. Service officers carry out assessment in civil clothing except for the conference day when uniform is worn. 

Reporting of Candidates

The Selection Centre issues detailed joining instructions to the candidates in the form of a ‘call up’ letter. This letter is sent both by post and email. Where mobile numbers are available, candidates are also intimated basic details through SMS. The batches are planned based on total number of applications received from the Recruiting Directorate as also directly through online applications in certain cases of technical entries. The meticulous planning of batches and the calling up of individual candidates is complicated and involves a colossal effort by a team of dedicated staff of the ‘Call Up Office’ at the Selection Centre. 

The Schedule of Events 

The reporting and dispatch cycle works continuously. The Army bus which carries candidates back to the railway station on completion of a batch also receives and brings back a fresh batch. Arriving candidates are directed to report to the MCO office at the railway station by mid-noon.

The Arrival

On arrival candidates are provided with refreshments, allotted chest numbers and briefed in detail. This is followed by basic documentation.

The Assessment 

Stage I Screening Test (Intelligence Test) 

Large number of candidates report for selection in SSB. All may not have the desirable qualities to be selected for armed forces so there is no point to go through the stage-II tests. Hence, the need to filter out these candidates on the very first day so that they can return to their home stations without wasting time.

Candidates are put through a screening process which is also known as the Stage I Tests. This practice has been introduced due to substantial increase in number of candidates reporting for SSB. The Stage I Tests include an intelligence or logic test, a picture perception test and an individual narration cum group discussion test. The test ensures that all candidates are given a fair chance to project their capabilities. Those who fulfill the required standards are retained for further assessment.

(Stage -1) The stage-I test has two distinct parts:-

  • Intelligence Test This is a simple test of logic / analytical aptitude based on which an intelligence rating ranging from I to V is awarded to the candidates which is based on the number of total correct answers. It is but obvious that the candidate with a higher intelligence rating will benefit in the entire process of testing including stage-II.
  • Picture Perception and Discussion Test You were shown a picture on the screen which you were required to perceive correctly. Time was thereafter given to pen down what you perceived by way of number of characters, their age, their mood, etc as also to write a story relating to the pictures. Your perception needs to be correct in order to do well in this test. This was followed by individual story telling and discussion test. Your power of expression, clarity of language (both grammatical and logical), confidence, participation and ability to accept others' ideas were all important facets of this test. Your body language and attitude during the whole test is also of consequence. What you must do is to remain involved with the test throughout.
  • Result Passing of stage-I test is a combination of your intelligence rating, individual story content, method at narration, command over language and overall performance in discussion and complete task. Once the results are announced, relevance of your stage-I performance in no longer there except your intelligence rating which still affects your overall results during the stage-II.

Stage- II Psychological Assessment

The SSB schedule commences with the administration of the Psychological tests. Candidates are put through situation reaction, thematic perception, word association and self-description tests which lasts for approximately four hours. The tests are conducted through a computer based process which projects the requirements based on a timed programme.

The stage-II tests comprise of three different techniques, namely the psychological tests, group tasks and personal interview. This shall be elaborated separately. However, it is emphasised that in all the three techniques the assessment is of your personality which is based on specified 15 OLQs (Officer Like Qualities). The highlights of the three different techniques are as follows:

The Psychological Test The psychologist does not interact with you nor does he know you by your physical appearance or attributes. He will assess your personality merely through the inputs which you have given him in the answer sheet. It is a test of your mind. Your answers are required to be natural responses and not preconceived. In case you have tried to think and modify your natural responses you will run out of time and will not be able to complete the tests. Large gaps in your response will make it difficult for him to assess you. An endeavor has to be made to complete all the SRTs, 60 TATs and the 60 WATs. Any candidate can achieve proficiency in completing these tests through adequate practice. Various books are available which explain the essentials of these tests and may help you in practicing them before you take on the actual test. You cannot change your personality but you can certainly complete the tests in the given time and be in a better position to be assessed well by the psychologist. What is important is you should be positive in thoughts and your application to the test.


  1. Must listen & adhere to the instructions properly.
  2. Must clarify all your doubts before the commencement of each test.
  3. Must be as imaginative and spontaneous as possible.
  4. Must give your first reactions to the stimulus shown to you, don't think twice as there is no right or no wrong answer to the situations and everyone is likely to respond in his own unique ways.
  5. Write your responses clearly in simple language.
  6. While writing responses your ideas must revolve around the situations or stimulus given to you.
  7. Be realistic and logical in your responses.
  8. Be attentive and alert and keep a track of time.
  9. Carry blue / black pen only, which is fully functional.
  10. Listen to the instructions carefully and clarify your doubts before the test starts.
  11. During entry and exit in testing hall follow a queue.
  12. In case of any problem in visibility of picture and words inform the psychologist on duty after the demo picture / word is shown.
  13. Sleep early at night to remain fresh for the next days testing Get up early and freshen up well for the tasks.
  14. Adhere to time schedule of testing.
  15. Write your name, batch No and chest No correctly where there required.
  16. Handle the testing material properly without marking anything in the test booklet.
  17. Maintain silence while listening to the instructions.
  18. Confine your answers to the space provided for each test as there is no extra sheet provided alongwith the 16 page dossier.


  1. Do not use coached / tutored ideas while responding to psychological test battery.
  2. Do not be unduly anxious. Keep yourself calm and relaxed.
  3. Do not hesitate on seeing the actual problem shown to you.
  4. Do not blindly follow guidelines given by any coaching academy for practicing psychological test battery as it creates a mental block which in turn may restrict your spontaneity and creative imagination. While taking coaching is not bad, you must be wise enough to discard what is not desirable to maintain your originality in thoughts.
  5. Do not be late in reporting to the testing hall.
  6. Do not go to candidates lines during break.
  7. Don't make a noise or talk among yourself.
  8. Don't be shy in clarifying your doubt regarding the test instructions.
  9. Don't use extra sheet or paper for writing the response.
  10. Don't mark anything with pen / pencil in the test booklet.
  11. Do not bring your mobile phone during the psychological testing.
  12. Do not copy the answers of other candidates.
  13. Do not keep any reference material in testing hall.
  14. Do not ask any doubt from other candidate. Ask directly to the officer, who is conducting the test.
  15. Do not disturb other candidates during the testing process.
  16. Do not go far away from the testing hall during the short break in between two tests.

GTO Test, Group Assessment

The GTO test series are conducted over a period of two days. The tests include group tasks, command tasks, lecture, group discussions, group planning exercise and other outdoor exercises.

Unlike the psychologist, the GTO is actually interacting with you throughout the tests. Each and every action of yours is observed. It is a test of your body and coordination between your body and mind. Your physical and mental qualities get highlighted in these tests. Project your qualities to the GTO and do not remain a passenger. Come out with work sense, ideas and ensure that others accept them. If they are logical and workable they will be acceptable. While you expect others to accept your ideas you should be willing to accept others ideas as well. You need to remain confident and cheerful throughout the tests and learn to comprehend all instructions and ensure that no rules are violated. Your overall performance in all the GTO tasks brings out your personality. You need to be good in every aspect. Outstanding performance in some and poor in others is not acceptable. You need to introspect and find out shortcomings which you noticed in your performance. You ought to be physically fit to do well here. Focus on your shortcomings and you will surely be able to come up to the required standards.


  1. Have adequate general awareness and read current affairs.
  2. Perceive the problems posed correctly and assimilate all details.
  3. Be quick enough to think and write solutions. Avoid grammatical mistakes.
  4. Solutions should be logical and realistic.
  5. Be spontaneous and forthright in expressing. Participate actively in the group actions.
  6. In outdoor tasks, be energetic, participate willingly and contribute to the group activities.
  7. Understand the requirement of the task, plan and try to evolve / suggest workable ideas.
  8. Try to project / exhibit leadership qualities in implementing plans.
  9. Keep the group aim in mind.
  10. Be confident and develop perseverance in pursuing aim / goal.
  11. Be physically and mentally tough. Routine daily physical exercise must be taken well before coming for the SSB. Warming up before coming to GTO's ground will certainly help. You can do some exercise in lines.
  12. Be effective in communication skill. Being conversant in English is always beneficial.
  13. Be well dressed in white shorts, T-shirt and PT shoes.
  14. Dress should be loose and comfortable.
  15. Ensure smart turn out (proper hair cut and shaved properly).
  16. Sleep early at night so as to remain fresh for the next days testing.
  17. Listen to opening briefing by GTO attentively and follow the instructions.
  18. Enjoy the tests, take them as group activity.
  19. Adhere to laid down timings and instructions passed by SSB students to you from time to time.
  20. Work hard, be active and put your best foot forward.
  21. Be positive, optimistic and friendly.
  22. Be your original self.
  23. Imbibe discipline in yourself, whether in lines, at work, in the ground or in the city / sight seeing.
  24. Carryout tests to the best of your physical ability.
  25. Inform Testing Officer in case you are not feeling well enough to go through the testing.
  26. Follow all the instructions as given to you before commencement of each task in the GTO's ground.
  27. Respect others then only shall you get respected.


  1. Do not limit yourself to one type of media or TV channel. Explore various types of media and TV channel to acquire knowledge / general awareness.
  2. Do not try to copy or paste pre-conceived knowledge / ideas, utilize them to generate own ideas.
  3. Do not sit / stand back and wait for opportunity to come its way - grab the opportunity.
  4. Do not discard others ideas, evaluate and then follow / modify.
  5. Do not feel discouraged if unable to perform well in a particular task. What matters is overall performance in all the GTO's tasks.
  6. In outdoor / physical tasks do not be reckless, take calculated risks. Remain bold and composed.
  7. Do not give up easily. Be resilient.
  8. Do not over eat prior to task.
  9. Do not wear tight clothes / shoes.
  10. Do not smoke, drink and gamble during your stay with us.
  11. Do not damage Government property.
  12. Do not stay out after specified timings while on out pass.
  13. Do not indulge yourself in stealing / playing cards etc.
  14. Do not be over smart and do not put up a false front or mask your original personality.
  15. Do not be aggressive or short tempered.
  16. Do not be pessimistic or careless / lazy.
  17. Do not be foolhardy and do not take stupid / foolhardy risks.
  18. Do not pick up fight with anybody whether in the SSB or in the Selection Centre or in the city.
  19. Do not keep mobile phone, watch, purse, chain any valuable on your person when in tests.

Personal Interview

Each Candidate faces one interview which lasts for approximately forty five minutes. Interview is carried out on any one of the three days.

The interviewing officer discusses by way of questions and answers the opportunities you had in life and the utilization which you have made of them. It is a test of your heart. The interviewing officer is fairly senior and experienced in the armed forces. While he interacts with you he visualizes whether you have the essential qualities to be trained to be an army officer. What you have done till date with regard to your basic educational performances in exams from 10th to present level, your achievements in extra curricular activities, your hobbies, sports, activities and any other interests in life, your relation with your parents, friends, teachers and society at large, your general awareness and general knowledge and your physical and mental fortitude are important facets of his assessment. The interviewing officer understands and gives you fair benefit for shortcomings or mistakes which you may have committed. Thus, do not try and hide anything. The tendency of lying or making false pretenses is viewed negatively and is easily discernible.


Some basics which a candidate must keep in mind while preparing during an interview are as under:-

  1. Be appropriately turned out for the interview.
  2. Look smart, cheerful and enthusiastic.
  3. Must remain happy and calm and respond politely to the interviewing officer's welcome remark.
  4. Be audible but not too loud. Appear keen to speak and respond to questions.
  5. Sit straight and comfortably, do not fidget, do not keep moving your hands and legs.
  6. Acknowledge questions being asked by gently nodding your head and maintain eye contact throughout.
  7. If you have not understood anything, politely ask for a clarification or to repeat the question.
  8. Must be clear about facts and figures regarding your bio data, marks obtained, ranking in competitive exams, dates, names of school / institution, teachers, friends etc. Avoid stating "I do not remember" and respond as far as possible.
  9. A large number of questions are normally asked at one go in a sequence. Try and remember all these questions and attempt to answer them in the same sequence. If you fail to recollect all questions, finish those you remember and then request to clarify for anything, left out.
  10. Prep well in general knowledge for the interview. You are expected to be aware about current events, if asked.
  11. Talk about hobbies, participation in games & sports, adventure activities and any other interests. You must have adequate technical knowledge about your hobbies and games you play. You shall get some questions on these.
  12. Utilize your time while waiting for interview by reading newspapers and journals available in waiting room.
  13. Watch TV News for updating yourself in candidates lines / waiting room.
  14. Remain relaxed and at ease throughout during the interview.
  15. Listen to complete questions before attempting to reply.
  16. Be truthful and honest while replying to questions.


  1. Do not be shabbily dressed.
  2. Do not be under stress during interview.
  3. Do not discuss the questions asked by interviewing officer.
  4. Never lie or put up a false pretense.
  5. If you are well read it is an advantage. If not, do not pretend to have read books/magazines and newspapers which you have only heard of.
  6. Do not reply as has been told to you by the candidates interviewed before you. Their questions may have had a different perspective.
  7. Avoid guess work. Better be polite and say I don't know, sir, I shall find out".
  8. Avoid being rigid, restorative, argumentative, overbearing, complacent and stiff, throughout the interview.
  9. Don't keep mobile, watch etc on person during interview.

Conference - The Final Frontier

The final decision regarding selection of the candidate is made during the conference. The conference is carried out on the final day i.e. the fifth day. The candidate having been tested by individual assessors is now evaluated in greater depth. His overall personality profile emerges clearly with the inputs from all three assessors. The result is conveyed to candidates after the conference.

The three assessors have individually carried out their assessment. However, there is no discussion as sharing of facts of assessment between them nor any results of your performance is known to them or anybody else at the beginning of the conference. For the final result on the performance of a candidate all the three assessors and all members of the board must interact as also meet the candidate in person. Thus, we have the final board conference. During this, the individual assessments are discussed and a candidate's plus points and weak qualities are deliberated upon in detail. All aspects of a candidate are analysed to see if he / she has the required qualities to be trained to become a good armed forces officer. Whereas benefit of any doubt with an individual assessor is given to a candidate; during the conference benefit of doubt adequately probed normally is given to the organisation. Also, candidates with higher intelligence rating can get an additional credit as compared to those with lower intelligence rating. When the conference terminates the results are finalized and communicated to the candidate. Suitable advice by one of the assessors is rendered to all Non Recommended Candidates.

Facilities for the Candidates

For most of the candidates, the SSB is the first contact with the armed forces and life in the uniform. It is therefore the endeavour of the Selection Centre to make it comfortable, interesting and a memorable life time experience. Towards this end many facilities have been made available for the convenience and recreation of candidates. Apart from keeping them engaged, it also helps in de-stressing.

Messing and Accommodation

The candidate Mess is akin to a modern Cadets’ Mess in any premier training institute and attempts at exposing the candidates to norms of collective dining and Mess etiquettes. The Mess has the capacity for 150 candidates dining at any one time. They are authorized full officers’ scale of Army rations. The cook house has been semi-automated with an automatic roti making machine, potato peeler, wet and masala grinder, atta kneading machine and various other appliances.


The candidates are accommodated in modern well furnished rooms. It is ensured the candidates have a safe and conducive environment to reside which caters for their essential administrative needs. Rooms are airy, well lit and fully furnished. They offer a well deserved haven to the candidates after a hectic day of testing. 

Staying connected

The candidates are given Internet, printing and telephone facilities to enable them to stay updated and connected to the outside world. 

Motivating Young Minds

The motivation hall at the Selection Centre is very informative and especially designed to inspire candidates. Separate displays pertaining to the three services find a place of pride in the motivation hall. Display panels on the wars fought by the country as well as information on gallantry award winners is particularly noteworthy.